Hi,I’m Chrouk.
Recently,my PC &wifi is wrong , and that make so annoyed.But how are you everyone?
I’m Chrouk who want to have broad mind.
While in my boss was going on a business trip to SeamReap,he imaged about ideal of guesthouse
So,I want to introduce his idea.

あの土下座の根源でもあります Dmitry Guesthouse Relaxing space of the phrase the same series. There is also the source of that “japanese dogeza”

こんなに散らかしたいわけではないのですが、そこはリラックスしておられると言うことでセーフ Actually I don’t want to mess in this way.But that’s means that custmers are relaxing,so it’s ok.

ウォーターサーバーをお洒落に演出したい!したい! I want water server to make fashionable.Really want!

ロッカーですらもウッド調・・・ Even rocker is fashionable also.

電灯も間接照明にしたい所です Electric light also is a place you want to indirect lighting

レストランもやりたーい(心の声) I want to open restrant

空間の仕切り方も勉強になります It will study also towards partition of space

整然(?)としたレセプションデスク。しかし現実は・・・ Orderly reception desk,but the really is…

我がゲストハウスに個室はありませんが。参考に Actually our guesthouse don’t have private room.But it’s a reference

個室がないならベッドを置けば良いじゃない、ということで We don’t have private room but we can put beds