Hi,I’m Chrouk.
Recentlly my pc broken but I don’t know tha reason.Actually I write this blog when this pc recovery.
(When I have wrote this blog,I use my boss’s pc)
My boss had visiness trip to SeamReap at second half November 2015.He comtemplated about image of guesthouse in himself.
My boss had visiness trip to SeamReap at second half November 2015.He comtemplated about image of guesthouse in himsel
It has unearthed a number of photos, such as if pleading.They means to our thought about guesthouse

門前に緑は欲しいですね I’d like to put some plants in front of gate

リラクシングスペースは外せません I want to have relaxing space

シャワールームもお洒落に仕上げたいものです We want to built shower room in fashionable.

流し台がお洒落だと朝の洗顔も快適です If wash basin is beautiful,washing a face is easy.

蚊帳があると安心ですね It is safe and there is a mosquito net

お客様のくつろぎ空間を大切に Cherish your relaxation space